Weitere Artikel
PhD defense Carina Vidovic
In the middle of the Corona lockdown Carina defends
Poster prize Carina
Nature Catalysis poster prize
Master thesis defence Fabian
25.07.2019 Fabian obtains his MSc
Master thesis defence Karin
17.07.2019 Karin, MSc
Master thesis defence Lea
12.06.2019 Lea obtains her MSc.
Jörg receives tenure
Excellent PhD thesis
Niklas wins Award of Excellence
Dr. Michael Tüchler
Mike defends his PhD
Double feature defence
Stefan and Michi defend their respective theses
Cover Picture
Front cover in Chem.- Eur. J.
Workshop Inorganic Chemistry Austria 2018
Presentations at WACÖ 2018 at TU Graz
Melanie Ramböck, MSc.
Melanie successfully finished her Master thesis
Dr. rer. nat. Niklas Zwettler
Niklas defends his PhD
New Master of Science
Madeleine finishes her MSc degree in minimum time
Awarded Poster
Mike receives Poster Award
Inside cover
Graphic designer Niklas